Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Kiwi can

L.I: To get your goal

Today me and group A went to kiwi can. We all end up in 4 lines. We straight away got into our energiser and we played 'Snatch'. To play we had a rope to make a circle. We put it on the floor and it became a circle. It was kinda like musical chairs but in a circle. When the music play we had to dance clock wise. When the music stopped we had to go in and grab a cone. The people who didn't get a cone were out. Next we talked about our goal settings. We all had go points of what we feel once we have our goal. We played 'Octopus'. There was a couple of changes. The octopus had to stay in a hula hoop and when the octopus tags a person the person has to stay where they got tagged. Finally we played GKQ [General,knowledge and questions]. All of us had different questions but one of them had a riddle. After that we went back to LS1 for morning tea.

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