Thursday 14 February 2019

Kiwi Sport

L.I: Ki O Rahi

Today the year 5's did Kiwi sport. We had a coach named Shanice. We were gonna watch a legend about the game Ki o Rahi.


There was a couple. The couples name was Rahi and Te Ara. Suddenly a bad guy kidnapped Te Ara. So Rahi went to find her. He went to a forest but the forest was blocked. He built something to fly over the blocked forest, but he crashed right next to a rock. But suddenly a Taniwha came. The Taniwha threw seven teeth at Rahi. But then a there was 3 stars that represent Rahi's father.  Rahi's father came to protect Rahi for the Taniwha. Rahi gather a group of people from his village and eventually found Te Ara. When tehy got Te Ara out of the cave. Rahi and Te Ara went back to their village.

Why was this game made?

This game was made to create peace and harmony


When we finished watching the legend of Ki O Rahi. The year 5's went outside with Shanice to play some games. The first game was Taniwha and Kioma. It's like rats and rabbits but in a Maori version. There will be 2 teams. Team Kioma and Team Taniwha. Every time our coach says Kioma. Kioma runs and the Taniwha team tried  to tag them. If our coach says Taniwha then the Taniwha team runs and the Kioma team chases them and tag them.

The last game we played was 8 passes. 8 passes was for Team work and communicate. To play there will be a boy vs girls. There will be 1 ball and one of the team haves to pass to each other to get 8 passes. If they drop the ball then the team with the ball haves to give the ball to the other team.

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