Friday, 28 February 2020

Kiwi Can

L.I: To learn how to communicate positively

For Kiwi Can we learnt how to communicate positively. For the energizer we played "Flip the cone". To play there will be half of the cones upside down and the other flipped the opposite side. There will be 2 teams and some of the members will come out and try flip the cones. One team will flip the upside down cone and the other flipping the opposite side of the cone. Team with most flips wins.

Next we play another activity called street fighter. To play the Kiwi Can leaders had to say a number and the people standing. These were the actions we did.  If they say 1 we do 1 punch. If they say 2 we do 2 punches. If they say 3 we do a kick. If the say 4 we do an upper cup and spin around and if they say 5 we have to do a Hadouken. After that they make a random combinations and the 2 people who are standing up have to do the actions. Who ever finishes all actions first they win.


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