Thursday, 25 February 2021

Kapa haka trip

L.I: To learn the teachings of our Tupuna and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.

The LS2 boys went to the Auckland Museum. First we got introduced to the museum and Ngarimu explained the rules of the museum. We then had morning tea. After that we explored the gallery and learnt about the history of some of the carvings. During our time there we were sent to find answers for a quiz we were doing.

The questions were:
  • Name of the mountain the museum sits on
  • Name of the museum in Maori
  • Name of two short weapons
  • Name of two long weapons
  • Name of three different art styles
  • The name of a Waka
  • The two gods that was in front of the waka and back of the waka
  • The name of the marae

We took a lunch break and then we went for an exercise down the field. After that we learnt how to use the taiaha. After learning moves with the taiaha we learnt how to do the haka with the taiaha. These are the answers to the questions.

  • Name of the mountain: Maunga Pukekawa
  • Name of the museum in Maori: Tamaki Paenga Hira
  • Name of two short weapons: Mere, Patiti
  • Name of two long weapons: Tewhatewha, Taiaha
  • Name of three differnet art styles: Ko whai whai, Whakairo, Tukutuku
  • The name of a waka: Te Toki a tapiri
  • The two gods that was in front of the waka and in the back of the waka: Tuma tumatauenga, Tane Matua
  • The name of the marae: Hotunui

I had fun at the museum and I learnt so many things behind the weapons, the waka and the spirits. I also like the taiaha activity we did.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leon,
    I really enjoyed learning about your visit to the Museum and how you were able to be participating in activities. It will be good that you can bring your learning back to school to share.
    Mrs Salmon


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