Tuesday, 29 June 2021


 L.I: To edit our writing using DRAFT

DRAFT is a acronym that stands for:
D - Delete
R - Rearrange
A - Add
F - Fix
T - Talk 
We used DRAFT to edit our poems. Me and my partner (Micah) created a poem about bravery. What we did was look for an abstract noun. A abstract noun is something that exist but you cannot touch it. In our poem we used the 5 senses which are see, touch, smell, hear and taste. We also created complex sentences. We added our puncuation includidng a comma and fullstop. We also used metaphors and similies. 

After creating our poem we proof read it and edited the poem. We rearranged words, added words and deleted words. I found this activity fun because I got to hear everyones powerful poems. I also liked my one because I think me and Micah did a good job writing our poem.  

1 comment:

  1. Talofa lava cousin good job. What I like about it is that it is about bravery I am scared of heights but now I’m not a scaredycat any more. From Darius


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