Tuesday 8 January 2019

Protect and Preserve: Flying Fox

Today I am gonna tell you what will I feel if I went zip lining in Rotorua. If I was there I would feel nervous,excited, kinda scared and just be brave.


  1. Kia ora Leon,

    I am happy to see another blog post from you!

    Thank you for telling me how you would feel if you went zip lining! You used some great describing words to tell me. Would you like to go zip lining?

    Keep up the awesome blogging!

    Talk soon,

    Sophie :)

  2. Hello Leon! I think I would be feeling the same way if I were to go zip-lining since I've never been before. I would definitely give it a try because I would be able to see so many things below me whilst I zoom past. Who would you go to Rotorua with? Keep it up!


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