Friday 21 December 2018

A place to Stand: Going, going....gone

Today I gonna talk about my life in New Zealand 2018. In New Zealand is amazing because it's a beautiful place like Auckland. Living in New Zealand has been fun. When I leave New Zealand to go to a place like Samoa I will always miss it even though I am gonna be there for a coupe of weeks. New Zealand changed my life when I was born in Samoa. I only stayed there for 1 whole year until I moved to New Zealand. Right now I am having fun with my parents and friends. In New Zealand I made new friends in Auckland. My life is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Leon

    I really enjoyed reading your post about what New Zealand was like in 2018. Can you imagine coming back from Samoa and New Zealand being under water. What things would you miss most? Would there be any landmarks that would stick out above the water?



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