Monday 17 December 2018

A place to Stand:Ice,Ice Baby

Now I am gonna talk about Digital Footprint. Digital Footprint is something you leave when your online. Like playing games,texting,posting and more. These are some things that you need to know when your online. Do not send out private texts like your school.home,phone number and more. Now I am gonna explain how I create a positive digital footprint.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Leon,

    Thank you for sharing another great Summer Learning Journey blog post with us. I have relaly enjoyed reading some of your blog posts this summer. Keeping cyber smart is hugely important to remember while we are online. Keeping cyber smart is how we are able to create a positive digital footprint. Making sure to sign out of devices is a great tip for keeping cyber smart. It is also very important to not share any personal information online.

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Talk soon,

    Sophie :)


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