Wednesday 26 December 2018

Water, Water, Everywhere: Night Owls

Today I am gonna talk about whether I am a night owl are a early riser. To me I am a Night Owl. My whole family is an early riser.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Leon,

    It's great to hear that your family are early risers, it must be nice to wake up early and have a lot more time to complete the things you need to do for the day. I'm not quite sure what I am... I don't enjoy waking up early but I don't particularly like staying up too late either. I like sleeping in!

    What time do you usually go to bed and what do you like to do later in the night? I prefer to be tucked away in my bed by 10:30pm and I tend to wake up around 8:30-9am on weekends when I don't need to go to work.

    Happy blogging,
    Evelyn :)


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