Monday 17 December 2018

A place to Stand: The legend of New Zealand

Today I am gonna do a Blog post about 'A place to stand.' According to the summer learning journey site I predicted that I have to do 3 fun facts about New Zealand.
Fact 1 - This fun fact that I learnt was how Maui used his grandmother's jaw bone and used it as a bait. Then he used the bait to pull up the North Island of New Zealand.

Fact 2 - I liked the way how Maui's brother on the boat with Maui became the mountains of the south Island.

Fact 3 - I liked how I knew that once New Zealand was apart of New south Wales but later became apart of Australia.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Leon,

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey! I am a part of the SLJ team that will be reading and commenting on your blog posts this summer. We are so happy to see that you have already done some of the activities!

    For activity 1, the activity asks you to pick three fun facts about NZ from the NZ Tourism website. Could you please take another look at the activity and comment back to me the three facts that you have chosen?

    Keep up the awesome blogging!

    Talk soon,



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