Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Water, Water, Everywhere: Stranger than Fiction

Today I am gonna list 3 similarities and differences. the first similarities is Trees.
1 plant - Quaking aspen
2 plant - Peony
3 plant - Red Maple
Now the differences which is Flowers.
1 flower - Rose
2 flower - Orchids
3 flower - Buttercup
Those are my 3 similarities and differences.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leon, Well done on doing this activity!
    There are some interesting plants that you've listed here!

    Could you tell me what it is that makes them the same, and what it is that makes them different?

    I definitely like the last list of plants there more, but I think it's because I am not familiar with the first list.

    Well done again!
    - Lee


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