Tuesday 27 October 2020

Persuasive Speech (WIP)

This week for writing I planned out my speech about why kids should be allowed to game as much as they want. 

First I had to come up with a greeting. Next I wrote down my introduction for my speech. Then I made a rhetorical question. After that I wrote down my opinion about my argument. 

Then I researched some facts about why kids should play games longer. The facts I've learnt from websites were very interesting and I also found out that when your playing games you can develop some things. After writing down my facts I wrote a solution to that problem. 

Then finally I wrote down a text about what happens if people disagree with my opinion. 

I found this activity interesting but I feel a little bit nervous once I have to say my speech. I do feel good about the information I found because I think its good enough to persuade most people. 

L.I: To create a persuasive speech


  1. Hello Leon,
    You have chosen an interesting topic for your persuasive speech, I agree with your statement. I thought that the amount of gaming time kids have each day should be reduced, however you have read your speech and agree with your opinion. I still think that kids should occupy themselves with not only devices but with the outside world. What are some games that teach children life skills? What are some of the life skills that they teach?

    1. Kia Ora Bella,
      Thank you for taking the time to read my persuasive speech, and I appreciate the kind feedback. A game that teaches children life skills is Among Us, which helps children develop detective skills, deductive reasoning and it requires collaboration. Have you learnt any life skills in gaming? Where would you use those life skills?

    2. Hi Leon,
      What an interesting answer, and thank you for the questions. I have learnt some life skills in gaming, such as developing my creativity and art skills. I would use these life skills to create art for myself or other people if I find myself interested in art in the future, and I could have the opportunity to design a building, a park or something of the sort. Are you familiar with these skills? Have you used these skills before, and where have you used them?

    3. Talofa Lava Bella,
      You have given an interesting answer! Yes, I am familiar with the skills that you have mentioned, and I have used them. I have used these skills in creating art such as aboriginal dot art, Maori art, and masking art. I have also used these skills to create unique DLOs like posters, slideshows, and documents. Thank you for comment threading with me, I enjoyed learning about the different life skills you can learn by gaming.


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