Tuesday 15 December 2020

Fishy false teeth | SLJD 2 - 1

 For today's summer learn journey task we had to create a comic. First thing we did was read an article. The article was about a fisherman named Cor who lost his teeth while sailing to the North Seas.

Cor and his friend Hugo sailed together.  As Cor and Hugo continue to sail off Hugo finds Cor teeth. After that we filled a template to understand a text. 

Finally I created a comic by adding text to some of the text boxes. For the comic I used a different story line that I made up. 

I enjoyed doing the activity. I think the story line I used is creative and I would like to create a comic again. 


  1. Kia Ora Leon,

    My name is Shannon, and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey.

    I think you’ve done a great job on your comic strip. The captions match the men’s facial expressions wonderfully, and I like the twist at the end that the man doesn’t even like fish!

    Because you’ve written such a great comic strip, I was wondering, if you could write a comic on absolutely anything, what would you write about? I think I’d write about space adventures and rocket ships, not fishy teeth, though it is pretty funny.

    Happy blogging and keep up the great work!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

  2. Talofa lava Shannon,

    Thanks for your reply and thank you for the positive feed back on my comic strip. If I had a different story I would probably make it about a group of students with super powers.

    If you were in my story what super power would you have?

    1. Kia Ora Leon,

      Hmmm, that’s a hard question. There are so many amazing super powers. I think I would have to have the power of fire. I’m always cold so it would be nice to be able to start a campfire easily. Or I’d be able to fly. That’d be super cool! I could soar like a bird.

      What powers would you have?

      Have a great day!
      Shannon (SLJ)


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