Wednesday 4 November 2020

Maori Names

In our Maori session, we translated Maori names into English. Our activity was searching up Maori names by using the Maori dictionary. We also had to make a poster about the directions in Maori.

Some Maori names sounded very similar to English names. Some of the Names we learned about were: Hamuera which means Samuel, and Huhana which means Susan. The rest of our list of words were new to us. 

Next we made a slideshow that shows directions in Maori. We also added pictures to show the directions. Mua means in front, Muri means behind, Maui means to the left, and Matau means to the right.

These activities were very interesting and fun. My favourite part about today’s session was making the slide show for the directions in Maori. 

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